No offense to Microsoft Word and Apple’s Pages, but neither one had really hit the spot for a go-to Mac word processor for me. Even after years of using Word, drawing a table or making columns seems harder than necessary. And the new Pages is clunky and seems like it wants to hide my saved documents from me.
I started using Scrivener this summer, but, as Scrivener is the first to acknowledge, that program is not designed for tweaking the layout and final draft of a document. A number of Scrivener users I interact with recommend Nisus Writer Pro.
- Nisus Writer Pro 3. Nisus Writer Proは、パワーユーザー向けMac OS X用ワードプロセッサーです。Nisus Writer Proの一番大きな魅力は、インテルの最適化されたプログラミングコードにより、始動とスクロール、タイピングが格段に速くなったことです。.
- Nisus Writer Pro supports 4 different file extensions, that's why it was found in our database. The following tables provide information about the association of Nisus Writer Pro with file extensions. If the Nisus Writer Pro program can be used to convert the file format to another one, such information will also be provided.
- Text changes are always necessary when creating documents. The Nisus Writer Pro find and replace tools are both flexible and powerful. This provides a demons.
- Download Nisus Writer Pro for Mac to multilingual word processor. Nisus Writer Pro has had 1 update within the past 6 months.
Nisus Writer Pro is not yet fully Lion-compliant, so the new instant-on and versioning options are not yet present; I suspect these will come, however, in an incremental update. Nisus Writer Pro also offers a full list of new tools and features in version 2.0. Some, such as Track Changes, are changed enough that, though present in.
Nisus Writer Pro Reviews
I’ve been using it regularly for about a month, and see no need to use another word processing program from now on. Nisus Writer Pro is to my word processing what the Kansas City Royals are to baseball right now: fresh, fun, powerful, and totally adept at getting the job done.
It’s a sophisticated program, with a lot of customization options I’ve barely begun to use. But the first time I used it I was able to almost immediately–without even reading the Help!–get my document to do the handful of things I wanted it to do.
So far, like the KC Royals, Nisus Writer Pro has a 1.000 winning percentage with me. Here are 6 things about NWP I really like, one for each of the Royals’ playoff wins as of the time of this post’s being published:
1. The layout is clean and easy to navigate right away
Check it out (click to enlarge):
At the very top of the screenshot you’ll see the Word Count in the footer (i.e., of every page). This is easy to set up–the Insert menu gives you the option to insert Automatic Numbers there, one of which is the word count, which I like to have in front of me as I whittle down my weekly sermons to something that will keep all of us awake.
2. Native file format is RTF
This means your NWP documents are fairly universal. You can open aforementioned Word (.docx) documents easily. Pages (.pages) is another story, but I think I’m over it.
One bummer (not Nisus’s fault): finding a good app for iPad that plays nicely with .rtf files is difficult, so I’m still looking for a consistent way to get from iOS to my Dropbox-saved NWP documents. (Textilus has been recommended; I’m working on getting that up and running now.)
3. The customizable palette groups get the job done
Setting up margins, headers, footers, even multiple-columned documents is easy to do via the palettes (the bar on the right of the document above). AND… you can create your own palette, customized with the tasks and functions from the Palette Library that you most use. Here’s one I created:
You can also hide the palette so you’ve just got the document in front of you. Via palettes you control styles, font/formatting, tables, drawing, etc.
4. Bibliography made easy
One of the drop-down menus has an “Activate Bookends” command. There’s some nifty integration between that program and Nisus Writer Pro.
5. Support is strong
NWP’s User Guide clocks in at 500 pages. Yes, I read it all for this review–no, not really. But it’s an invaluable reference. Download it here. The staff I’ve interacted with is really great. And there are active user forums.
6. Nisus Writer Pro is fast
This late 2008 MacBook o’ mine is the little (computer) engine that could. But it’s slowing down. Word and Pages (sorry, Microsoft and Apple! I didn’t intend to use your products as foils) both run sluggishly sometimes on this machine, but Nisus Writer Pro never has. It starts right up, closes right down, and never is glitchy in between.
You can see a lot more of the features of Nisus Writer Pro here, where you can also download a free 15-day trial, while you await Game 3 of Royals vs. Orioles.
The folks at Nisus kindly supplied me with a license of NWP for the purposes of review.
Developer Name | Nisus Software, Inc. |
Operating System | Mac OS |
The primary purpose of our website is to provide the user with a list of software programs that support a particular file extension, as well as that help to convert them to another format. Nisus Writer Pro supports 4 different file extensions, that's why it was found in our database. The following tables provide information about the association of Nisus Writer Pro with file extensions. If the Nisus Writer Pro program can be used to convert the file format to another one, such information will also be provided.
Associations of Nisus Writer Pro with the file extensions
Nisus Writer Pro opens the files:
What can I use this information for?
This information is especially useful when looking for a way to open a specific file. If you already have Nisus Writer Pro installed on your computer, you can check which file extensions it supports and look for the data you need in this specific format (or to what format you should convert the data so that you can open them in the Nisus Writer Pro).
Nisus Writer Pro 3
I do not have a Nisus Writer Pro yet. Where should I get it?
By far the most safe way is to download Nisus Writer Pro directly from the developers's website. If you are going to download the Nisus Writer Pro from a website that offers a database of downloadable software, you have to reckon with the fact that when you install it on your computer, you will also install the unwanted extras. Please, pay special attention to this.
I cannot see the file extensions. What should I do?
Nisus Writer Express
File extensions are not normally displayed to users. To change this, go to Control Panel, select Appearance and Personalization and Folder Options. Next, select the View and find the option 'Hide extensions for known file types'. The option should be deselected (cleared) and confirmed with OK.