Knex Cheatsheet

Knex cheatsheet, One-page guide to Knex: usage, examples, and more. Knex is an SQL query builder for Node.js.This guide targets v0.13.0. In order to sort the dataframe in pyspark we will be using orderBy function. OrderBy Function in pyspark sorts the dataframe in by single column and multiple column.

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Is it possible to do multiple orderBy() columns?

  • One-page guide to Knex: usage, examples, and more. Knex is an SQL query builder for Node.js.This guide targets v0.13.0.
  • Knex CheatSheet - Read online for free. Node js Knex Query Builder Cheat sheet.
  • K’NEX provides creative building sets for kids to stimulate curiosity & imagination. To learn all about our innovative building toys for kids of all ages!

The orderBy() chainable only takes a single column key and a sort value, but how can I order by multiple columns?

You can call .orderBy multiple times to order by multiple columns:

multiple columns in .orderBy() · Issue #2874 · knex/knex · GitHub, orderBy() when setting order with multiple columns. For now, I should write code like .select() .from('table') .orderBy('a') .orderBy('b', The same goes for orderBy(['a','b','c'], ['asc', 'desc', 'desc'])—it is not clear which of the two arrays is the column names and which is the direction (although, arguably, the same could be said for the regular orderBy(column, direction) syntax as well, so …

The original answer is technically correct, and useful, but my intention was to find a way to programatically apply the orderBy() function multiple times, here is the actual solution I went with for reference:

Knex offers a modify function which allows the queryBuilder to be operated on directly. An array iterator then calls orderBy() multiple times.

support multiple columns in `.orderBy()` · Issue #2881 · knex/knex , types/knex.d.ts. src/query/builder.js Adds a `order by` with multiple columns to the query. -2472,6 +2472,60 @@ describe('QueryBuilder', function() {. );. });. Knex.js is a 'batteries included' SQL query builder for Postgres, MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite3, Oracle, and Amazon Redshift designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use. It features both traditional node style callbacks as well as a promise interface for cleaner async flow control, a stream interface, full featured query and schema

You can use the following solution to solve your problem:

Knex.js multiple orderBy() columns, Is it possible to do multiple orderBy() columns? knex .select() .table('products') .​orderBy('id', 'asc'). The orderBy() chainable only takes a single LINQ includes five sorting operators: OrderBy, OrderByDescending, ThenBy, ThenByDescending and Reverse. LINQ query syntax does not support OrderByDescending, ThenBy, ThenByDescending and Reverse. It only supports 'Order By' clause with 'ascending' and 'descending' sorting direction. LINQ query syntax supports multiple sorting fields seperated

Knex.js, Knex.js is a 'batteries included' SQL query builder for Postgres, MSSQL, MySQL var knex = require('knex')({ client: 'postgres', connection: async () => { const for sqlite3 (due to issues with utilizing multiple connections on a single file). example snake_case -> camelCase conversion for returned columns with this hook. DZone > Java Zone > How to order by multiple columns using Lambas and LINQ in C# Dec. 24, 11 · Java Zone · News. Join the DZone community and get the full member experience. Today, I was

[knex] orderBy multiple field sorting in knex.js, [knex] orderBy multiple field sorting in knex.js, Programmer Sought, the best column: 'age', order: 'desc' } ]) //Equivalent to: select * from `users` order by Is it possible to use multiple fields in the order by odata filter on a SharePoint get items action? i.e. if I want to sort by Title Field, then Date Field as an example: Title asc and Date asc What is the correct way to structure that - it appears to be differen than the filter query sytax.

Knex cheatsheet, One-page guide to Knex: usage, examples, and more. Knex is an SQL query builder for Node.js.This guide targets v0.13.0. In order to sort the dataframe in pyspark we will be using orderBy() function. orderBy() Function in pyspark sorts the dataframe in by single column and multiple column. It also sorts the dataframe in pyspark by descending order or ascending order.

  • I'm not sure there's a special function for that, but you can do a orderByRaw and write whatever you need
  • @VsevolodGoloviznin I was hoping I wouldn't have to do that, but it's my last resort.
  • Thanks, but is there any way to apply that programatically? for an unknown number of orderBy fields?
  • Just iterate over the list of columns and call orderBy for each. I'll save the basic JS as an exercise for you :)
  • I think the original answer was working as you intended too. For instance: let query = knex .select() .table('products'); _.each(sortArray, function(sort) { query.orderBy(sort.field, sort.direction); });

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About the author

Telmo Goncalves is a software engineer with over 13 years of software developmentexperience and an expert in React. He’s currently Engineering Team Lead at Marley Spoon.

Check out more of his work on

When I was building my own website and blog, I chose to use Markdown in conjunction with Next.jsbecause it’s easy, fast, and, to be honest, I enjoy writing in Markdown. In this article, I’ll walk through how I didthis so you can produce a great, content-driven site of your own.

This article assumes the reader is generally unfamiliar with setting up web applications with tools like npm and thesystem Terminal. Several steps involve encountering errors and backtracking; this was intentional for the purposes ofeducating the reader on how the application is architected and the interdependencies of each component.

Those more familiar will be able to skip through some of the explanatory details for each step.

First, create a folder for your project. Do this by running:

For those new to UNIX commands, this produces a new directory named ‘blog’ (mkdir blog) and navigates to it (cd blog).

Next, install the following dependencies using:

Running npm init will create a package.json file in our project, using -y will skip npm’s default questions. Ifyou like to include this information, just remove it.

Since the site will use next, the scripts in package.json will need to be changed to the following:

Next, run npm run dev which should start the project on port 3000. Open your browser and navigate tohttp://localhost:3000.

At this point, an error may be thrown (or the build didn’t complete at all). This is because Next.js is expecting tofind a pages directory. This is where you’ll create content pages.

Create the pages directory with an index.js file by running the following:

Now if you run npm run dev and open http://localhost:3000 in your browser, the following error should be shown:

This is because the index.js file exists, but it’s empty.

First, create a React component index.js at the top of the file:

Once saved, Welcome to the Homepage! should be displayed on http://localhost:3000.

You can create many pages as you want (ie - author.js).

Do this by running:

And adding a React component (shown using author.js):

Save, and you’ll be able to see the content by opening http://localhost:3000/author in your browser.

Here, we’ll dive into how getInitialProps from Next.js works. Above the export default Homepage line on the index .js homepage, add:

Collective, it should look like this:

Props (which stands for “property”) are used for passing data from one component to another.

Here a prop is created called blogTitle and passed into the Homepage component. When you accesshttp://localhost:3000, the content should now read: Welcome to the blog: Rookie for life!

The app is passing a prop saying what the value of blogTitle is. If you change it from Rookie for life! toRockstar! and save, you should see the page update with the new title.

Next, let’s create blog articles using Markdown .md files and dynamically load them. Using Markdown files for thecontent is beneficial because it’s easier to write in them and manage the content.

That way, when a user opens a page like http://localhost:3000/blog/article-name it will render with content writtenin an file.

A great feature of Next.js is that it allows developers to create dynamic files.

Create a dynamic file called [slug].js in a pages/posts/ directory:

Note that the posts directory will be inside of the pages directory.

Now create a posts template using a React component:

This queries the URL and extracts the slug from it. slug is used because that’s the name of the file ([slug].js). If the file were named [id].js, the query would be instead.

Now, if you access http://localhost:3000/posts/hello-world you should see: Here we’ll load “hello-world”

If you change hello-world to in the URL awesome-nextjs-blog, the page will display: Here we’ll load“awesome-nextjs-blog”

The content Markdown files should be stored in a separate directory so they’re easier to manage. Create a contentdirectory and a Markdown file by running:

Upon opening the content directory, there should be a blank file.

Open the file and add the following:


Now open [slug].js and add the following above return { slug }:

So collectively, it looks like this:

The application is now querying slug from the URL and loading an .md file with that slug.

Markdown files contain frontmatter data. This is information defined in the section divided off using the ---markers in the .md file. To parse that in some way. To parse that, use gray-matter.

Knex Cheatsheet

This can be installed by running:

Now update the [slug].js template to import matter and parse the .md content:

If you reload the page, you should see an error: TypeError: expected input to be a string or buffer

This will need to be resolved by adding a Next.js configuration file. Do this by running:

Open the newly created next.config.js and add the following configuration:

This requires the raw-loader package, so that will need to be installedas well by running:

Keep in mind that any time an update is made to the next.config.js configuration file, it’s best to restart theapplication.

Now reopen the post template and update the PostTemplate component to handle the frontmatter data:

Then in the same component, add <p>{content}</p> for rendering the Markdown content:

Knex Cheat Sheet

You should now see the title: Build an awesome Next.js blogAs well as: We’re building an awesome Next.js blog using Markdown

Finally, the application will need to convert the content we have written in Markdown so it renders to users in theexpected format.

Add the following to

This will display the content as plain text in the browser. To render the content written in Markdown; installreact-markdown by running:

Then in the [slug].js file, import ReactMarkdown and update the PostTemplate component to replace<p>{content}</p> with <ReactMarkdown source={content} />.

Collectively it should look like this:

Knex Database

Now you’re all set! If you’re new to Markdown, check out this handy cheat sheet which is great to reference as you’re learning the ropes.

Knex Query Builder

Telmo regularly posts helpful React development tips and guides on Twitter. Be sure to follow him at @telmo